Shop the Mandala Way

Cacao Ceremony - Exploring Our Relationship With Mother Earth

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Guided by Michele De Luca-Verley

WHEN: Sunday, August 14th 5-7 PM

Where: The Mandala Way, 15 Touro Street Newport, RI

Please join Michele in honoring our Universal Mother, Mother Earth.

The gift of the Cacao Ceremony encourages us to reconnect with the wisdom of Mother Earth while being supported by the ancient plant spirit of Cacao.

Let's exlore the expansiveness of our own hearts while sipping Cacao around the Sacred Fire, allowing Cacao to begin the process of healing our physical and spiritual bodies.

During this Sacred Circle we will explore:

- The healing benefits of Cacao 

- Rediscover our connection with the five Elements, the Cardinal Directions and our own roles with Nature

- Explore guided breath work, meditation and journeying

- Experience the vibrational healing of the Native American Flue and singing bowl

As an affiliate of ORA Cacao, it is an honor to be filling your cups with their ceremonial cacao. 



A favorite cup

Towel/blanket & yoga mat

Comfortable clothing

Journal and pen/pencil

Water bottle